Emerald City…

Give me green!  I am so in love with this color! This was my signature color several years ago.  Okay, let me clarify; every year I adopt a “signature color” and will go out of my way to ensure I wear almost exclusively, that color.  Annoying to my friends and family, so much fun to me. Back to this green.  I absolutely love this green, and because the opportunity to wear Red, Black, and Green together or in some combination is always my first choice, this green dress satisfies those critieria.  Against the backdrop of a perfectly urban brick wall, on perhaps the prettiest day of the entire season, this green was that pop of summer I have been slowly tucking away, but holding on to at the same time.  

Twirl! I love the voluminousness of this dress. Big with a  drop waist, it is the quintessential school marm look.  And you know how I love a good school marm moment.  Don’t worry, my shape is still intact, for all those people who think a compliment is, “That dress is cute, but I like you in more fitted clothing.” As if I care.  

Still my favorite earrings. Forever.